Glyfada: 12 Zisimopoulou str., 16674, Glyfada, Greece
Athens: 3 Asimaki Fotila, 11473, Pedion Areos, Greece
Rafina: 13 Stratou Antoniadi, 19009, Rafina, Greece

CONTACT +30-6971813232


You may contact Dr Yanni Malliaris & Associates Mental Health Practice by telephone, email or post. Visits to our centres can be made by appointment only.

Appointments are available currently online and locally. Locally we can see patients in our offices in  Glyfada, Athens, and Rafina. This is to ensure and to maintain the optimal performance of our clinical care. Telephone – internet based-appointments, and home visits, can also be arranged (see ‘s programmes for the remote delivery for the majority of our services and the premium plans for our home-based treatment).


Tel: +306971813232 – 2108816137

Contact hours: 9am-9pm


Glyfada office: Zisimakopoulou 12, 16674, Glyfada, Greece

Athens office: Asimaki Fotila 3, 11473, Pedion Areos, Athens, Greece

Rafina centre: Stratou Antoniadi 13, 19009, Rafina, Attiki, Greece

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